
Chloe Danae

Chloe is almost 5 but at times we think she might be turning 13! Chloe is our artist, dancer, drama queen and performer. She loves to be around family, her friends and loves her downtime with a good movie. You can find her always in some sort of art project, she loves to draw (has her dad's talent!), and dancing everywhere she goes. Chloe loves school and is learning to read! You can find her playing with her Barbies and/or dressed up in dress-up shoes daily!

Allyson Ryan

Allyson Ryan is now 3! She is full of life and energy 24/7. She is an observer, detail oriented, bossy and thoughtful girl...she is the teachers assistant! (For some reason Grandma Sue says her Mom was just the same!) She spends her week participating in ballet and creative movement, going to school with 20 friends, loves taking care of her brother and playing with her cousin Asher. She loves to play legos, tinkertoys and barbies. One of her favorite days of the week is Sunday...she loves singing with Grandma Debbie and eating donuts with Papa Bear (Mike).


Jayce Steven

Jayce Steven arrived July 28th, 2010! He weighed 8 lbs 5.5 oz! He is a GOOD baby...he has enjoyed his sleep at night since he was born, which has made Mom and Dad's life much easier! Jayce got his bottom teeth just at 4 months old and is trying to master rolling from him back to belly. His favorite thing to eat these days include rice cereal, plums, applesauce, butternut squash and sweet potatoes! A good bottle of warm formula is always welcome too. He has many friends in his class at school, but loves his sisters very, very much. (Allyson would carry him everywhere if she could!) Jayce is a smiler and loves to laugh. We can't imagine him not being with us.


One Long Month of Festivities!!


What could be next in there?

One of Allyson's favorite things..playdough...
look at how excited she is!

Allyson decided she needed to sample the milk and
cookies they left out for Santa!

Here you go Santa!

So precise in decorating! (Gets that from Dad!)

Gingerbread house making with Grandma Debbie

The "dollhouse"...they love it.
Thanks Grandpa Ron and Grandma Debbie

A box with 7 Princess Barbies...do you know how many
pairs of shoes and crowns we know
have littering our floors! Gotta love having girls!

The reading of the Christmas story with Grandpa Ron...
then the girls sang Happy Birthday to Jesus!!

They love their cousin Asher so much!

Merry Christmas!

Chloe and her best friend Kyla..the annual Christmas cookie
making day...the 4th year...hard to believe!

Chloe's other best friend, Addi!
(They used to need our help)

Christmas cookies with Ally...taste everything first, right?!?

Taking in the lights with Papa Bear (Mike) and Grandma Jackie


Decorating the tree...they had such opinions
of where everything needed to go!

Dad and his girls!

Finding the perfect tree...includes hiding amongst them too!

I decided now would be better than any other time to post some photos from our busy and very full month of December. Looking back we wouldn't do anything different, we wouldn't add or take anything away...all in all it was a perfect month. Christmas gets better and better as the kids get older, realizing this year it is all for them now, and that is just fine with us! Hope you enjoy the photos!